
She sleeps 20 hours a day and just eats her 20 meds, she does zero to help herself!!! She does have like 10 horrible issues but she does nothing besides sleep and get worse. She is only 62 but she looks and acts 80. I want her to go to a short term rehab to learn how to take care of herself better and actually get better cause she does nothing for herself at home. She falls weekly, she messes up her meds weekly, stepdad dosnt know what to do cause she will "be mad" at him...

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If your mom gets admitted to the hospital, say via the ER this way: Your step dad calls 911 b/c mom is acting off and feeling poorly. She goes to the ER and gets admitted. When they are ready to release her, your step dad says "I can't possibly care for my wife at home any longer, she is an 'unsafe discharge', please find placement for her now.' At that point, the hospital assigns a social worker to the case who finds a nursing home for your mom to live in full time. That's what a social admit is that PeggySue is talking about.

The other scenario is this: mom gets admitted to the hospital for an issue; upon release, her doctor writes an order for her to go to Rehab in a Skilled Nursing Facility for the standard 20 days (or longer if it's determined necessary); Medicare will pay for it that way. Otherwise, call her PCP to see if you can get him to order rehab for her a different way.

When SnoopyLove says call Adult Protective Services to get mom on their radar, the idea is this: you report her as a 'vulnerable adult'; someone who's in harms way but refusing to help herself. APS comes out to do an assessment; if they find that she's not properly cared for, they can order her into care. APS is social services.

We can't say why or how mom is getting 20 meds w/o going to the doctor? She can get meds online even, who knows?

Stepdad has to understand that mom may be 'mad' at him for stepping in for an intervention, and that's ok b/c she'll be ALIVE to be angry!

Wishing you the best of luck with a very difficult situation. I feel for you.
Helpful Answer (3)
Teejay1 Apr 2022
Thank you you are the only real answer so far. I just see the full picture of my moms situation, so its either this is it the way it is now or is there something I can do to make her see she gave up. Thanks for info unlike the morons that have said she can do her own thing or it became to much for me... Its jus I know if she actually forced to change it can benifit her...
After reading additional information about your mother I have these thoughts: She has no life at the present time. She probably doesn't want to live in this condition. Perhaps you should do nothing and let nature take care of her. The truth is that she isn't motivated for opioid dependence treatment, perhaps because she suffers from intractable pain. No drug abuse rehab program will accept her. Probably, there is no way to "rescue" her.
Helpful Answer (3)

Why are people still posting answers when the OP called everyone who tried to help him morons?
Helpful Answer (2)
BarbBrooklyn Apr 2022
Because he needs help, is scared and because we have big hearts.
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Moron here. I'll take a different angle --

If she doesn't particularly care to live, why not just leave her alone and let her life progress as it is?

For whom are you trying to get her to live? You? What about her? Does she want it? Do you think you have some kind of magical power of influence to make her see that she's given up? How has that influence worked so far?

Frankly, I find it impossible to believe she'll improve to any significant degree unless she is taken off the opiates. According to your profile, she has arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. I'm going to guess obesity is involved as well. None of those will go away, even if she's off the meds. If she WANTS to get off the opiates, then help her do that (get a doctor to advise how), but know that many of her issues aren't going to magically go away just because she doesn't sleep 20 hours a day.

You can't care more about her life than she does and expect anything to change.
Helpful Answer (2)

TeeJay, have you called your local Area Agency on Aging and asked for a "needs assessment" for mom?

Do you go to doctor appointments with her and tell the doctor that mom sleeps all the time and messes up her meds?

Why do you live in mom's basement?

Is mom's depression being treated by a psychiatrist?

How does mom's lack of self care affect you? If she is competent, she can live as she pleases.
Helpful Answer (1)
Teejay1 Apr 2022
I dont know I can call for a assessment now joining this page I learned I can.

Yes I told her doctors things, but its doctors that dont care obviously cause they jus fill meds n don't even see her.

I live in moms basement cause she asked me to move in cause it will help me n I can help her at house so I agreed but now livin here I see she dosnt want help she jus wants to sleep her life away.

She has no shrink she says she's fine but a monkey can see she is depressed. But because of a nerve illness she takes cymbalta... I remember 15 years ago when I tore all my ligements n nerves in my arm my pain doctor put me on cymbalta also but explained to me that it has to be monitored cause its also for depression so it needs to be changed a lot.

Its not affecting me besides I see sue just comoletly gave up
"I am caring for my mother R, who is 63 years old, living at home with age-related decline, arthritis, cancer, depression, diabetes, hearing loss, heart disease, and mobility problems."

"I'm living in my moms basement with my wife, upstairs is my stepdad n mom, my mom was told by doctors 30years ago that she would die within 20, now that testing n doctor is better she dosnt go she just pops her 20 meds a day n sleeps 20 hours. I need to find her proper help... "

Since you're living in your mom's basement, you must be helping with caregiving? And now it sounds as if it's getting to be just too much. How does your wife feel about this living situation?
Helpful Answer (1)
Teejay1 Apr 2022
Its not getting to be too much, its now I just see the full picture n I see she gave up so I just want to see if I can do anything or if this is it? My wife is fine its a full apartment completely separate from upstairs
TeeJay, Thanks for the other information you provided us. It's a much more complete picture.
I worry about the opioids, especially if they are being prescribed without a lot of followup or follow through. You are correct that Mom's staying in bed with conditions like heart, diabetes, and possibly addiction to painkillers is likely causing more problems.
If no one has POA, as you told us, there is honestly little that you can do. Especially the skin conditions you mention will get worse; with the diabetes there will be difficulty healing. Eventually the doctors who predict her demise will be correct; she has already outlived their guessing at how long she will live.
I am glad that you have your own apartment on premises for your family.
You are doing what you can do. You have told her that she cannot get well if she doesn't participate.
As a nurse I saw many patient who gave up. Their family nor anyone else could change their attitude.
Whatever else, make certain that there is no opiate withdrawal attempted by any well meaning doctor without great care. Sudden withdrawal from such drugs can cause death.
I am sorry. I wish I had an answer. But over this time I cannot honestly imagine what COULD be tried that you have not already tried.
Best out to you and wishing you good luck.
Helpful Answer (1)
Teejay1 Apr 2022
Thank you!!! You get what I'm tryin to say n do here!!! It I work wed thru sun 10 to 9 n then when I'm home I try to talk to her n help as much as I can... N I can see clearly that I she goes somewhere for 60 to 90 days then she can become better I jus dont know how...
Unless she has early onset Alzheimer's, she is probably suffering other medical conditions. You need to give more information about her overall health status and why she takes so many medicines. About " forcing" her into a rehab. you need to have legal power to do so. Otherwise, it won't be allowed.
Helpful Answer (1)

Your Mom and step Dad are lucky you are trying to look out for Mom. In NJ generally a person must have a doctor's referral to get into a rehab facility. Seems like your Mom's doctor's are not really paying attention to her so perhaps you can get her to a new doctor.... a geriatric specialist if possible although they are scarce. As as been suggested you can always have step Dad call Adult Protective Services (APS) for a needs assessment. This might get you an earlier entre to a geriatric specialist.
Not sure if finances are an issue but I will put the info here for your at any rate just in case you need it. Short term rehab (STR) stays are not cheap and can easily run to $300 per day in a facility (have a feeling from your post that Mom is not going to following much instruction at home but if that is all you can get... take it). This will get her room,activities and 3 meals (not so good usually) and Physical Therapy (PT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) as directed by her referring physican. At 62 although she sounds disabled, your Mom may have Medicare but Medicare will only pay for STR after a three night official admission to a hospital AND the phsycian's referral. Traditional Medicare will pay for up to 20 days of PT/OT in the above situation provided the patient participates and in improving. Medicare Advantage programs generally have shorter initial PT/OT periods but you would need to check with her specific program should she have one. If she is already on Medicaid, there are some different rules but you should be able to check them out with her Mediciaid worker.

You can get more information from the NJ Office on Aging (each county has an office) at:

Good Luck and keep us updated.
Helpful Answer (1)

If you are not poa, you really can’t force her. Stepdad can place her through an er social admit by saying she’s an unsafe discharge.
Helpful Answer (0)
Teejay1 Apr 2022
I need you to answer me more clearly please!!! Ok so I dont have power of attorney but what can my step dad do??? I seriously need somethin done cause she will die this year if she dosnt change, I dont understand how she has her 20 meds cause she even cancels her Dr appointments...
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