
Medicaid has denied coverage for my dad due to his health not being significant enough to require nursing home level care. We have appealed this twice, the nursing home has given notice that he has to leave. However, he lives in Arkansas and there is a huge waiting list for any level of care he would most likely qualify for and there are not any apartments that we can find that are fit for handicap. He is in a power chair and needs a level of care that requires he not live alone. When my sister and I told the representative at the nursing home that we have not been able to find any place for him to go they just repeated that he has to go. Can they just throw him out on the street? My sister that lives in Arkansas has health issues of her own and is not physically able nor does she have a bedroom for him.

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Call Adult Protection Services and run this by them. Also, your State Ombudsman.
Helpful Answer (8)
traccoop Mar 2019
I have left a message with the ombudsman yesterday. I plan on giving her until noon and then will call again. Being that I live in another state and therefore not as familiar with the state laws is frustrating. We are running out of time and everyone my sister, who lives there, says they can kick him out in the street but that just doesn't seem right. I will call APS Monday. Thank you for the advise.
APS is probably going to be your best bet for assistance. At least in TN, APS has a separate budget where the only qualification is an APS social worker determines the elder is at risk and needs immediate care. After the elder is safe, APS works with Area Agency on Aging social workers to find a long term placement.
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Federal Law requires long-term care facilities when they discharge a resident that they must discharge to a safe environment. The can NOT just dump them out.

The home may charge the resident to keep them until a safe place can be found but they must have a safe place for them to go.

If they are trying to discharge him to an unsafe place call your local Long-Term care Ombudsman Office, they will be able to help you at no cost.
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Please keep us updated. I hope your sister doesn't end up being "forced" to take him in!
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The issue here is that you say your father doesn't require nursing home level of care. You need to find a doctor that will certify what level of care your father does require and take it from there.
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Depending on the State One lives In, They can leave him There Somewhere until he is Ready or is Qualified to Go..Talk to the Social Worker in that facility ASAP!!!
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Thanks. I think you have your answer because of the contract
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What does the contract say?
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traccoop Mar 2019
I live in another state, but my sister, that lives there says it doesn't say anything about them having to secure a safe place for him to go to. My sister is exhausting herself trying to find him a place to go but every place has a months, if not years, waiting list.
despite all the computerized technology, health care in America is garbage. I heard of hospitals throwing patients out on the street--called patient dumping.
Google it.
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If it does come to them trying to kick him out in the street, call every TV station and newspaper. And they CAN NOT force your sister to take him in.
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