
Since my Mom died in May I've noticed a lot of weird things with electronics in my place. The t.v. remote not working. The microwave time going to zero. My phone acting up. People phoning with the wrong number and leaving messages. etc. etc.

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I recently googled that. Yes, I would say that is possible. I transplanted a butterfly bush from my yard, it was a dead stick but thought I would give it a try. After 3 weeks of watering, it started to grow. All summer I have had this beautiful large yellow and black butterfly in the bush every day. I believe it is my mom. My dad sits in the sunroom and says everyday how beautiful it is with tears in his eyes. I know he thinks of my mom everytime he sees that bush. I think our loved ones who passed are always with us, so happy for you that you have these signs. 😊
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I personally believe in these things, not electronics, in my case, but nature.... my mom loved Cardinals...They are abundant in the area I live in... see them often.... but usually when I am in deep contemplation about my life and 'what next', I will see a Cardinal very close by me... I choose to believe it is my Moms way of saying it will all be ok..... it brings me peace and makes me smile....With as much craziness that is going on in this world we live in..... I personally look for little things that make me happy... I call them "God surprises" ya, mom may be letting you know she is getting settled, or still not ready to leave you.... it can be what you need it to be..... some things defy explanation..... if it makes you happy, then go for it...... thanks for starting this thread, I hope there are some interesting things shared.... hugs to you Gershun, let us know if anything else happens....
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What a great thread! I'm looking forward to reading others experiences with this.

No Gershun, I haven't experienced anything...yet. Perhaps I'm looking to hard or wanting something from my parent's too much. They both died here in this house with me, you'd think one of them would say something ! However, I do still "see" them both. Clear as day. Dad in his recliner, remote in hand, mom lying in her hospital bed gazing out the window at the in full boom saying how pretty it is today.

I agree with all that's been said here, especially "if it makes you happy".

(((hugs))) dear friend...
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Jeanette it could just be wishful thinking on my part. But I have been experiencing an awful lot of electrical issues in my home. Maybe I should call a electrician! But its nice to think it could be my Mom.
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No, can't say as I have. Mom died almost a year ago now, in my home. She'd lived with me for a year. No paranormal electronic failures or blinking lights. Nothing.

Now, has my microwave acted up? Yeah, I think sometimes I don't punch the numbers in right, so one might say, "It goes to zero." I have AT&T Uverse. It most certainly has occasional problems...pixelating, freezing. The remote is occasionally set on 'Control TV' instead of "Control Cable," so that it might appear to be mysteriously not working. My cellphone is CONTINUALLY acting up because I forget to shut it off occasionally, and cellphones 'make garbage' when left on for days and days at a time. I just left a message on a wrong number I'd dialed the other day. Someone gave me the wrong number...I dialed it and left a lengthy message about wanting them to groom my dog.

In short, all that you describe is a normal part of life. If mom could reach out from beyond and send me a message? I'd likely feel her loving arms holding me and hear her beautiful voice once more.

At any rate, if it comforts you to believe? Don't stop.
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Electronics are more sophisticated today, there are probably thousands more of them, and not all of the technology works properly all of the time.

My cell phone once dialed AAA 14 times in the space of less than 5 minutes, when it was turned off and I was at the ER with my father. It's also dialed other numbers even though it was turned off, and occasionally advises a calling area is out of reach in the middle of a metropolitan area.

Electronics are far from foolproof; I suspect they'll become less so as more functions are added.

If you feel comfortable suspecting that it might be some method of your mother communicating with you, do so. Just don't ignore anything that might be a fire hazard.

It could also be that these things were happening before but you were focused on your mother and didn't really pay that much attention to them.
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