My mother has been in this nursing home since April, after suffering a massive stroke which has left her paralyzed. She has use of her right arm, can talk and carry on a conversation, still has her long-term memory. She can self feed (pureed food) if everything is set up for her, but that's about all she can do physically. She was totally independent before the stroke.
As one can guess, this is causing her much distress. She is very afraid, and has always been afraid of nursing homes. She's having a tough time.
I went to visit her tonight. New Geriatric Nursing Assistant in her unit tonight. Her GNA was a male. She told me he was very nice. When it was time to have her diaper changed and get her nightgown on, he came in to do that. I stayed. New and a man, I didn't like it. Mom started crying in the middle of the process, and cried for an hour afterwards. She was extremely embarrassed. Is this a normal practice at nursing homes, having a male change a female? Nothing personal against this gentleman.
And Big yay for Mom!
Thank you for loving and caring about your Mom and her feelings. You did good! 🌸
If I were your mom, I'd be crying about the situation in general.
I too am a modest person. Yes, I have a male GYN only because thats all we have in my area and after 30 + years I am used to him. But no way would I want a male nurse or CNA helping me with bathing or toileting. Its bad enough when anyone has to help u even a child. Its bad enough when they have Dementia or an illness that has taken some freedom away but let them have their dignity.
Wouldn't surprise me the progressive and politically correct crowd would love to force people to have no choice in choosing your own doctors based on genders. After all, males and females are all the same according to them. Bathrooms are no longer exclusively male and female. Some places, males can walk into female bathrooms if they want to.
I never let my girls go into a public bathroom by themselves anymore.
Males and females are the same. Yeah, right! Explain that to that poor lady in the nursing home above, and tell her she's being ridiculous.
If males and females are all the same, then lets see a female football team (if there is one) goes against a male football team.
My daughter attends a gymnastics school. I have never seen a boy in that school, ever. In her ballet school, there were probably 2 boys out of a few hundred girls. Let's force the boys take ballet and gymnastics.
And while we're at it, let's make it mandatory that all females 18 years and older sign up for the Selective Service like the boys do.
Sorry, i am a little off topic here. My sympathy to your mother. I hope you can request a female GNA for her.
I might also feel the burden of my physical condition much more with my son present and watching.
My sons and I are VERY close, and I prefer to spare them my physical issues, and yes although BOTH of us know I have issues, we sort of suspend belief in a situation that I feel might be embarrassing to them, even if it didn’ t embarrass me.
I would encourage mom to not be embarrassed, he is a professional and understands completely. Who delivered her babies?
If he was not professional, then talk to the DON and find out what should be expected with these interactions and tell her how it went down.
Could it be a bit of vanity about being incontinent and having a man know? I have seen that time and again, it is the hardest obstacle to overcome for some.
My husband and dad both would not want another man helping them and I am completely sold from my personal experiences.
Best of luck getting mom comfortable with her care and I hope she makes a miraculous recovery.
Personally I think it is great that more men are going into nursing, especially front line caregivers like CNAs - and I may be showing my prejudices but I imagine it takes an especially caring man to choose a career that undoubtedly has caused him to be ridiculed at some point.
Now at her NH my very unscientific study estimates about 10% of the cnas are male. (About 10% of the residents too) On her floor on 3rd shift there’s only 2 aids and I is a male. So I think you may find that the demographics sometimes simply don’t allow for specifiying a gender.
Much more recently, on the acute stroke ward where my mother was admitted, there was a handful of male healthcare assistants (one with striking tattoos on his arm, which to be honest I found more of a worry); but there the nurses worked in packs of two or three when it came to washing and similar, and my mother seemed not bothered by it at all.
I personally feel that if you are in a gender minority which makes your client base uncomfortable with you, it is up to you to be sensitive to the issue and provide reassurance as necessary. m1kew, what did you think of this GNA's approach to your mother? How did he interact with her individually? Did he introduce himself properly before he started in on the changing routine, make any attempt to put her at her ease? If you hadn't been there and hadn't stayed, would somebody else have come in to help? - because I certainly don't think an unfamiliar male should have been delivering personal care without a chaperone present.
You should be able to find out what nursing home regulations in your state say about your parent's right to express a preference about the gender of people providing her with personal care. Try digging around online under "nursing home regulations in [state]" or "nursing home patients' rights in [state]."
You could also have a word with the managers at her nursing home, explain that this is making your mother miserable, and see if they are willing to accommodate her.
There *are* advantages to having men on the team, especially when it comes to safe handling of immobilised patients - good strong arms make for a smooth, efficient, quicker change.
I know it seems a lot to ask of an elderly lady at a very low point in her life, but if you can help your mother accept the presence of men on the care team that would be best for her. Remind her that he is there as a professional, just as a doctor or a theatre nurse would be, and that although it takes some getting used to there is no cause for her to be embarrassed - just pretend he's a robot. As I say, I think it's actually the nurse's or aide's job to do that, but you can helpfully reinforce the message.
I'm going to call the nursing home in a few minutes and see what they can do. And I appreciate your advice on how to approach this with my mom.
But, you have the right and Mom has the right to say that she is not comfortable with that and she would prefer a woman to assist her in personal things.
She should never have to experience that again. I would definitely speak to whoever is in charge to make sure they accommodate her wishes.