
Maybe "good time" brownies?

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Ng, marijuana would not help a person's sleep, just the opposite.

Marijuana will increase one's heart rate to double which isn't good if an older person has heart issues, has been known to cause heart attacks. Plus marijuana will lower one's blood pressure which could be harmful if one is taking blood pressure pills.

It can also lead to irritability, sleeplessness, and less appetite.

If a person has memory issues, it will only increase the problem.... marijuana causes short term memory loss, distorted sense of time, random thinking, anxiety [so there goes the myth that maryjane calms a person], and paranoia.
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Ask one of the medical team if he can have melatonin. Or herbal tea. Can he still eat? turkey contains tryptophan, a naturally inducing sleep ingredient. Also make sure he's not drinking or eating anything with sugar in it, well before bedtime. Sugary foods can keep a person awake.
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You wouldn't know until he tried but as Flyer mentioned above, weed can have some negative side effects especially for seniors.

I have several friends who use legally prescribed cannabis [either as an edible or in oil format] to treat chronic pain, as well as anxiety. It might help with restlessness...or it might not, as with all drugs, patients can react differently. For this reason, drugs should be prescribed by a doctor.

I'm assuming you are located in Texas. Keep in mind that baking it into a brownie does not magically turn weed legal.

edit: I can't believe I failed to mention the herbal supplement I use...literally have the bottle sitting on my desk right now. Talk about tunnel vision.  If you're looking for something herbal and don't want to consider prescription sleep aids, you could try St. John's Wort. It comes in capsule format and is a natural source sleep aid and relaxant. At least in Canada, it's an over the counter purchase. Still worth talking to his doctor before you experiment however, as like any drug it can interact with other medications. 
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Am I missing something? If medical MJ isn't legal in Texas than neither are "good-time" brownies.
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Hes 94 yrs old with no health problems. But started gettn restless n gettn lil sleep abt 2weeks ago im here askn for help not sarcasm thank u.
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Ng, if you are saying you would be willing to try anything despite it being illegal I would have to urge you to think again, the American obsession with the war on drugs and corresponding high penalties make the risk to you much too high.
Have you spoken to a doctor or tried any prescription medications?
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Marijuana won't help with sleep, but there are lots of other herbs that will. Believe it or not your pharmacist may have some good suggestions.
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Ng, believe it or not, one's body starts it's decline in early adulthood. Your Dad's chronological age is 94, but it is his biologic age that is more important. Note that 92% of seniors have at least one chronic disease, thus your Dad actually does have a health issue..... Arthritis, heart disease, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, memory issues, hearing, eyesight, etc. Just the facts of life.

Restless sleep is also normal for an older person mainly because they tend to dose off during the day. My parents use to brag that they only needed 6 hours of sleep as they were up with the chickens every day. But they forgot that they dosed off in from of the TV for a couple of hours after breakfast, then again after lunch, and 2-3 hours after dinner. My Dad found 4 oz of red wine helped him sleep [not recommended without doctor's approval] and Dad lived to be 95.

Have Dad eat around 4:30-5:00pm and no coffee, cola, or sugary drinks after 6pm. As mentioned earlier, no sweets at night. Chocolate is my down fall, I will be wide eyed all night if I get into chocolates after 7pm. Make sure Dad drinks plenty of water.
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Marijuana might keep him up later, it makes people think that Jimmy Kimmel is funny (he's not).
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My mom was having trouble sleeping more than 4 hours at night. She does sleep quite a bit during the day. But after several experiments, I now give her 10 mg melatonin in a time release tablet so the effect lasts longer. I also give her 5htp before bed.
But there are so many other options to try: Valerian, chamomile, lavender, magnesium, to name a few.
You mentioned that he's restless, does that mean he is uncomfortable? Maybe CBD oil would help. I think that's legal in all states.
Good luck!
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If you decide to try edibles, I am not at all advocating for that, do NOT try that with street drugs. Marijuana has become very technical and many varieties available. If you were in a legal marijuana state then you would be able to consult with the doctor on what variety may be helpful. But, again like any other drug it would be trial and error to find the right variety for dad.
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If he seems restless and is not sleeping and this is new, I would get him in to see his doctor. New symptoms are never fun but could be something really simple ie seasonal allergies. I personally use magnesium citrate 800mg and I better be ready to go to bed in about 30 minutes after taking. Be sure to take with at least 8oz of water or it could cause stomach upset. I started with 200mg and worked my way up to what worked for me. Magnesium will flush through the bowels if to much is taken. Look it up online, it is the electrolyte that deals with our nerves. My husband will not take anything except his magnesium nightly, for me, that says it all.

My aunt decided that she couldn't knock it until she tried it, so she at 68 years old, had an edible and slept for 12 hours. I do not know anything about what kind or even what's available. I am guessing you are very desperate to find help. Please talk to his doctor and request natural solutions as opposed to chemical ones that Drs love so much. I am thinking your dad is very Blessed to be so healthy and to have such a loving offspring to want to help.

Can you let us know what ends up working? Oh by the way, 1st time I took the magnesium I had no idea better sleep was one of the advantages, I started because of headaches. Hugs 2 u for all u do!
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Before starting anything new, check with a doctor. Even with herbals, there are side effects and contraindications. Just because something is herbal does not make it safe. And taking a prescription sleep med is not bad.

For those that consider magnesium, you need to have a lab done to check your magnesium levels. A low magnesium level can result in leg cramps. But too much magnesium has serious effects. Let your doctor decide whether magnesium is needed.

Also, if you can, check that your dad is more active during the day with no or minimal naps to enable better sleep at night.
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With marijuana being the “trendy” new cure all, a lot of people who’d never even consider it are curious. Especially since Big Pharma makes such ineffective, side effect laden ‘piffle’ that doctors sling at patients.

1. Is it legal in your area? Or like my state, semi legal (a misdemeanor ticket for being caught with a small amount).

2. Your dad’s experience with it. It’s not right to slip dad a brownie if he doesn’t understand what he’s getting into. Unless it’s purchased at a shop where many hybrids are sold, so you know what effect it’ll have, you might end up with your dad calling an ambulance for himself OR calling the police! (A friend of mine did just that when the effects frightened him!)

3. Most people who are casual users waste most of the Pot because they aren’t knowledgeable enough to prepare it properly as an edible.

So unless you’re traveling to Colorado and know what you’re getting just don’t. Good ideas lead to bad results.

The folks at my mom’s assisted living give out Melanin (per doc orders) and it seems to help everyone sleep.

Keep your 4:20 for yourself.
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Lemon balm oil is very good to relax you and for sleep
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Ashwagandha helped me to have a more restful sleep. I am now giving it to my 96-1/2 yo DH too. Also handles my stress.

P.S.  I made myself some 'funny' brownies and thought I'd never come down! 
Don't go that route!  Scary as all hell.
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You might try Holy Basil Extract. It is legal. It helps with sleep. You can buy it in most all health food stores.
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My mom always enjoyed a glass of wine. She's 90 and in assisted living so I had to get doctor's ok to keep a bottle in her room. She has a "dixie cup" almost everynite to help her relax and it does help.  I say at 90, let her enjoy what she wants.
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CBD helps my guy sleep. Liquid spray form.
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You might try diffusing essential oils at bedtime; Consistency is key. Mobility and activity during the day may help him feel sleepy when hitting the pillow in the evening.
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No, I do not recommend giving him marijuana in order for him to be able to sleep. It is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant. Has he tried half of a Benadryl only for a SHORT TERM solution? Also, he needs to stop consumption of caffeinated beverages at around 3:00 P.M., e.g. iced tea, hot tea, coffee. In addition that will include ANY FOOD with chocolate. And he will need to move that time back even further depending on when he goes to bed for the night. I've read that numerous times over the years about the time on when to cut off caffeine for the day in order to be able to sleep. However, this may differ for an elder, but it's a guideline to follow.
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I tried marijuana oil bought over the net, for pain. A BIL who grows his own illegally said his was the best thing for his own pain problem. Medical marijuana is not available here, although the politicians are working on it. The net product didn’t work for me, but then BIL said that the products you could get over the net had been modified, and the mods removed the pain control as well as the ‘trip’. $80 wasted! Illegal is risky in more ways than one, legal didn’t work, so I reckon don’t bother with it. Try the other options. Good luck!
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UPDATE: Stick to a 2 o’clock cut off. As this current study shows, late-afternoon caffeine can cause problems for your sleep, even if you aren’t aware of it. To avoid sleep disruption, restrict your caffeine consumption primarily to the morning hours. If you do have a midday cup of coffee, make sure to drink it before 2 p.m.
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