
Is the above a part of dementia? It never fails, mom will ask me a ?. I start to answer it and she either changes the subject or cuts me off with another topic of conversation. It drives me crazy. She did this to me two days ago and just just stopped answering. She starting pointing something out in the middle of my answer. She noticed I stopped and said, Oh I'm sorry go on. I refused and told her she does this all the time and wasn't going to continue. It happens ALL the time. She also feels a need to talk costantly. She reads all the road signs, narrates everything she see along the way. It's like, whatever is in her head has to come out her mouth. If I see a cow, I don't have to say there's a cow, she has to say there's a cow. It drives me crazy. What is causing this?

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Is it possible that your Mom is looking for some sort of validation that she still knows what some things are and what is going on around her?
One of the ladies at one of my support groups said her husband did this very thing. It is totally the opposite of my situation, my Husband was pretty much non verbal for the last 6 years of his life. He did make noises though but no words.

Has your mom always been like this, very verbal? I am wondering also if it might be part of anxiety? Possibly discuss this with the doctor on the next visit a mild anti-anxiety medication might help if it is anxiety.

How social is mom? I am wondering if Adult Day Care might be something she would enjoy. She would have activities other people for some socialization and it would give you a break.
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If your mom hasn't always been this way, then, I'd wonder what the cause is too. I'd keep my eyes open for other things too. Keep a list and perhaps share with her doctor at next visit. Also, there are some conditions that cause personality and perception changes. Lack of inhibition can be indicative of something else going on.

They did a baseline evaluation for my dad. My mom thought she saw some unusual things, but, his evaluation was awesome. Turns out my dad is quite sharp, great with numbers and really with it. lol Oh well. Down the road, they will be able to tell if things change.

Back when my cousin first started showing odd behavior, I had no idea what was going on. Some of the things that she did and said didn't seem to indicate cognitive decline to me. But, it was. Later, I discovered that. So, that's why I'd keep a list of symptoms.

In the meantime, I'd try to be as patient as possible and not take it personally. If she interrupts, just let her do it and go with the flow. If it is cognitive decline, then it'll be revealed eventually. I know that I wasted a lot of energy and annoyance on things that my LO had no control over. I wish I had known better back then.
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My mother went through a phase were she would ask me a question then she would interrupt me as I was trying to answer her question. It would just drive me crazy. She would also talk over me and anyone else talking and again drive me crazy. I spent a lot of wasted energy getting mad and/or correcting her. Now, I know it was the beginning signs of dementia. Had I knew it than I would not have bothered with it. I would of handle it much differently. Perhaps with more patient and less wasted energy. Hindsight is always 20/20.
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How social is your mother? My sister does this and I attribute it to the fact she doesn't really have anyone to talk to so she saves it up and spews as soon as any of us come into her orbit.
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My mom is the same way. Talking non-stop and it’s gotten worse. She turns up the tv extremely loud so she can hear, then narrates what she’s watching. She shares facts, but mostly complains and then relates it to people she can’t stand from a long time ago. It’s pretty much nonstop. just fills my mind with loud noise. Sentoy overload.

My my mom is alone all day, most days until my sis gets home in the afternoon from work. My mom is not social (never has been) and I understand this is just her needing to interact . Not really sure what to do about it, but find a rhythm..whether that’s just listening and responding when she takes a breath or guiding the conversation more.. not sure...

i do know that that one day she may not speak at all and I will miss it, so I try to remind myself of that fact.
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One of my sons has always done this and my brother as well. I think they have both been diagnosed as mildly bi-polar. They have trouble following someone else's additions to the conversation. And their attention spans are very short. They are also both very emotional. But this doesn't seem to apply to your mom if it is a recent behavior popping up. A good friend of mine spends too much time alone, so she has a lot to relate when she is around people and interrupts constantly. People are getting annoyed with her. She actually interrupted a lecture I was giving at a gallery a week ago to add her own thoughts. Three times. I haven't noticed this kind of interrupting with any of the dementia people I know, but it might be that your mom is not really listening to you, can't take it in or is forgetting as soon as the conversation starts, so just begins a new conversation. Is she normally extroverted?
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That was my wife in 2006. She would interrupt me, mid sentence, with 'huh', and I thought she didn't understand my wording. I knew that her hearing was exceptional.
I would rephrase and she would interrupt again.
She also became an irritating person.
She knew what was happening and she was frightened.
She would occasionally mutter to herself, "shut up, Christy"
Her mind was not understanding language and she began inventing words.
A few made sense and were clever, like Helimacopter Motormasucker.
She ended up muttering gibberish and then went silent.
Her sight was next. Her eyes see, but the brain does not interpret.
Realization of FTD was not until 2014.
Her ears are good but she will only respond to noise and go toward it.
She doesn't understand reasons for noise. A cough or sneeze can trigger an action. She likes hearing 'girl talk' conversation, without drama, just for the voice. She does not comprehend the words or the thoughts.
FTD is not like Alzheimer's.
Christy has bvFTD bv is Behaviour Variant
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karbar, this reminded of a British TV show "Keeping Up Appearances" where the main character, Hyacinthe, would do the same thing. While driving, she would tell her husband, Richard, to watch out for the person walking on the side walk, a person riding their bike, even animals in a field. It was just her personality.

My late Mom would do something similar, like whatever topic my Dad and were talking about, she would start a new subject. Now that I think back, her life was mainly trying to have the whitest sheets hanging on the clothes-line outside. Having a house that would past a white-glove test, thus ready should Better Homes & Garden show up at her door. And making sure Dad was dressed for success [not wearing stripes with plaids] . Etc. Her world was so limited in that era.

Also when my Mom started to lose her hearing, that made it even more complex.
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My mum 87, is in a nursing home with late stages Alzheimer’s. She was diagnosed when she was 82. However, she and my dad managed to conceal it pretty well from everyone until it came to a head and dad had to admit she needed help. Now, about 10-12 years earlier my mum did develop the art of asking questions then interrupting pretty soon after I had begun talking and sometimes it was unrelated to her question.
She would also talk and as soon as the other person tried to add to the conversation she would interrupt and ask if they wanted some tea and were they sure. It used to drive me crazy. She would also talk over people.
At the time, I thought she was just being rude and disrespectful but in hindsight I really think this was the beginning of her cognitive decline. A need to talk constantly and saying thoughts out loud too!
The upsetting thing is that I see my husband doing the same now that he has reached 66 and it is worrying me so much.
Keep an eye out for other unusual things going on with your mum and write them down so that you can tell the Dr when you feel the time is right. The earlier, patients are helped and diagnosed, the easier it is to slow the disease down.
Hope this helps you.
Take care.
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OMG!!! YES!!! My kids called it “Grandmother chatter.” The worst was when I had to drive her anywhere because I was TRAPPED in the car having to listen to it. Stream of consciousness prattle. Drove me NUTS!!! For the longest time, I tried to have conversations with her. Nope. She couldn’t do it. The drive to dialysis was literally less than 10 minutes. CRAZIEST TEN MINUTES of my entire day!! Gossip about people I’ve never met. LOUD observations of people around us — “Do I look as OLD as she does? I mean, do I have as many WRINKLES as she does?” Nonsense about anything else she could see — “Oh, there’s a white house! There’s some pink flowers! Are we turning left? Is it raining (as the wipers beat wildly at the windshield!)?” I think it would have been easier to tolerate if she’d had dementia! Nope. Just regular cuckoo!! My teenage son does a HILARIOUS impression of it. At least we can laugh about it!
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