
Throughout her life, Mom has had stomach problems resulting from anxiety/stress. Over the past year, she has been spending more and more time hobbling back and forth to the bathroom. (I live with her, btw.) Today her day was completely filled with this endless pursuit of emptying her bowels. Over the last 2-3 weeks she leaves during meals between 3-6 times because she feels like she has "to go." She can't accomplish anything else like an art project or reading a book. Perplexed and wondering if anyone else is dealing with this type of weird behavior?

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hi!! :)

there can be many reasons.

but by the way, UTI can give you a feeling of wanting to do pipi, but nothing comes out.
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It could be a UTI, there are test strips that can be used at home just as a starting point before you call the doctor.
Do you accompany her to the bathroom to determine if she needs help?
If she is constipated she may be having incomplete bowel movements so she constantly feels like she has to go.
It may also be as "simple" as her OCD "thing" some people focus on tissue paper, cloth, picking at their skin.
It might be something to discuss with her doctor at the next visit, or sent a message to the office. If she is on an antianxiety medication it might need to be adjusted.
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You're talking about bowels, which has nothing to do with UTIs.

You're asking if this constant need to empty her bowels has to do with 'dementia or insanity', which is pretty much the same thing. Brain damage means her brain isn't working properly.

Dementia causes OCD in a big way for many elders. They're either picking at their skin, plucking toilet paper off the roll all day long, eating incessantly, going back and forth to the bathroom, opening & closing the door over & over again, or performing a repetitive task of one type or another; it goes with the territory.

Weird behavior is the very definition of dementia.

If your mom is continuously feeling the need to have a BM but nothing empties, she could be constipated. Try Smooth Move tea or prunes, etc., to see if, by process of elimination, (no pun intended), you can get her to actually HAVE a BM and hopefully get rid of the thought from her mind. That may not work, though, b/c the obsessive/compulsive THOUGHTS are what they get stuck in a loop on. But first see if you can get her to have a good BM.

If she does and is STILL stuck in a loop going back & forth to the loo, then get the doctor involved for medication. SSRI classified drugs are often helpful with OCD behavior modification. You can also give her a basket of wash cloths to fold, which is redirecting her attention OFF of the bathroom and onto another repetitive motion task that MAY be helpful.

Here is a short article on the topic:

Here is another great read on the topic of dementia in general:

Understanding the Dementia Experience, by Jennifer Ghent-Fuller

Wishing you the best of luck with a difficult disorder.
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Repetitive behavior is common in some mental illness and dementia. It can't be changed.
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THanks everyone! I appreciate your answers. I finally figured out how to read the answers! In the meantime I reposted. But don't worry about answering again!
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Prolapse, haemorrhoids, obstruction - I'm not sure what to make of your very limited list of possible causes of your mother's behaviour. I hope you've taken medical advice.
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