
Bank said she cant open acct without updated identification. Her Tx DL I.D. is expired. She hasn't driven in 15 yrs. Not sure how long expired. So to go get a reg I.D. she needs birth cert, S.S. card and proof of residency. She moved in with my sister and only been there a week. Mail was forwarded with USPS back on Dec 21st. All insurances notified and credit card. She has Medicare card an S.S. was notified of new address before she moved. But she needs that bank acct to get S. S. checks into new acct. So no utilities are in her name. They're in my sister and husband's name. She will be getting Home Health in the new town of new state here this week. Can that be used for residency? No new M.D. yet until Jan 21st first new pt appt. Still has M.D. in Tx. What to do?

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Why can't she just keep her old account? She can still write checks and use her debit card anywhere. You can get new checks with the new address if you want. Plenty of people have bank accounts that have no branches at all. There really isn't any reason these days to ever have to walk into a bank. And don't even get me started on getting her SS to go to another account if you close the old one. The very thought screams clusterf*c*.
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In Florida the DMV will accept a piece of mail (like bank, credit card, not personal) for proof of residency, sealed, not forwarded along with the birth certificate and SS card. They will issue a ID and the bank will accept that to open an account. We just went through this with my mother.

If she already has a bank account set up, the funds can still be deposited in it until you open a new account. We didn't have to do this with the step father as his bank has branches all over the USA so all we had to do is change the mailing address.
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What specifically does the bank need? A valid government issues ID? Or proof of residency?

Can she make your sister her rep payee so sister can receive the SS checks?

If mom needs a valid gov’t issued ID, I take it she doesn’t have her social security card and birth certificate with her in New Mexico? Order new documents and have them sent to sisters house & sister can take mom to the DMV to get a New Mexico photo ID.
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Isthisrealyreal Jan 2020
Becoming representative payee is not something that should be taken lightly.

There are rules that seriously impose restrictions on the rep payee not being able to let the recipient have any control over their money. Then there is an annual accounting that needs to be done.

There is a time and a place for rep payee. But I am not sure this is one of those.

You don't need utilities in your name, just mail with the address shows residence.
Have you called the SS office where she is now living and asked them what she should do?
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You need to go to local Social Security office - with her - and request a new SS card (call SS phone# and make an appointment) they won't issue a new card because she moved. Order copy of birth certificate from the state of her birth (Vital Statistics). If she has no utitilities in her name that prove her new address, see if they accept mail that has forwarding address label (from USPS) on it.
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Lynn105 Jan 2020
Just fyi. New Mex doesn't accept mail or forwarding proof fr Usps as residency proof. No medical cards. No mail. Only a utility in her name (none) so had to go to library an get rental agreement paper for her an my sister to fill out. Since living with my sister. She has B.C. an S.S. card an marriage license. Geezzz do they want a file of blood to an fingerprints!! I thought Tx was hard. I may just see an talk to my sister if we really need to move her acct fr Tx bank to N.Mex bank. We shall see. Might just be more work for no big reason.
If she still has her bank account open in TX she does not have to close it. Everything debited/credited to that account will remain the same.

Federal regulations require ID must be government-issued with photo. SS card states NOT FOR USE OF IDENTITY OR LAMINATE and does not have her photo. SS is a government department but banks will not accept to open accounts.

There isn't any reason to close out bank accounts due to a move. They only need to change the address on the checks and notify creditors, insurance, etc of their new address.

My accounts have followed me all over the country.

Suggestion would be to speak with the department head for new accounts. Explain the situation and ask how can YOU HELP HER get an account open? If the bank you are taking her to is your bank, do you have a banking relationship that is in good standing? That may, stress may, help.

This could fall under, it's not what you know, but WHO you know ;).
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She has S.S card. B.C. an marriage license. Its proof of residency N.M. wants. No medical. Only a utility. Well she lives with sister so none in her name. So they had to go library an get rental agreement! Yes acct still open in Tx. Until new opened (cant open without i.d.) an until S.S. checks going into new acct in N.M. ugg..
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Keep the old checking account! Mthr had one in her old state plus one here many years before she moved. We tried for 2 years to get her SS moved to the local bank with no success. We don't even have online access. Your sis.might want to make the rental agreement's (for residency) rent for the amount of her SS payment so she can scrape the $ out every month with a check Mama signs.

We were able to get the other state's bank to add a POA name to the account when we registered the POA in that county and mother signed bank POA in person. POA also had to be present and sign. But if the bank has online checking, you can probably pay bills out if it from afar without Mama's signature.
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