
In DC living in an apartment and my senior parents are in a condo. Can’t say I like it here, but my job is here. Considering moving to Georgia with lots of nature and Korean stores. I’m thinking that we would really love living there together in a house in the last chapters of my parents' lives, but it’s such a risk to move to a different state and that’s a hassle. What do you think? They are not crazy about the thought of moving. They don’t know what it’s like there, but it’s nicer than here I think. We do plan to visit next month on vacation.

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Sorry - move to a different state, where you know nobody and they know nobody, with your parents? These parents? The ones you describe thus:

"Narc mom who emotionally abuses me and dad is an angel. He just had a heart attack because of her stressing him out. She gets jealous when I pay tender attention to him. At this point I realize im helpless and can do nothing but watch them and let them be. I did get them a condo so they can seperate if need be. Im on eggshells each day thinking of what news I hear from them (the’re out of state)."

Have you lost your mind?
Helpful Answer (4)
bundleofjoy Apr 2022
yes OP, be careful! many people on the forum warning you, trying to protect you.

a narc mother on the phone is difficult. living with a narc mother? she’ll abuse you 1,000 times more. maybe not the 1st day. maybe starting from the 3rd day.

i think it’s VERY kind of you to be willing to live with them and help. just be very careful, before you make the final decision. search all possible solutions and plan A, B…Z.

hug!! :)
YOU would "really love living together"?

From your profile and previous posts:

"I am caring for my mother Young, who is 76 years old, living in my home with age-related decline."

"They are impossible to help but im doing my best. Im emotionally abused by mom and dad has major heart issues. So scared "
"Im also tormented and emotionally abused by narcissist mom. Dads an angel but useless because he listens to her and enables her. Have a brother but a narcissist. Got a condo for them 25 minutes away but who knows if they will come. They’re in a different state w brother. Mom doesn’t want to be with my dad nor cook for him and he just got out of hospital with major heart issues."

"My brother is useless. Itll only cause conflict when I ask him so sadly I just do what I want/need to."
"Im 49 and my brother is a narcissist and blames me for everything although hes the black sheep of the family. Im the doting daughter. We didnt talk for two yrs but he reached out passively and of course because he wants me involved financially. I got parents a condo and hes a free bird after he committed but pulled out."

So. Your profile states your mother lives in your home. Does she? YOU paid for the condo for your parents? Why? What is their financial situation? When did they move to the DC area?

Can you just uproot your job, or will you have to get another one in Georgia? Why are you sacrificing your life for them? Why would you want to live with them, considering the emotional abuse from your mother that you mentioned several times?

I just can't understand the martyrdom that certain societies expect from their kids, AND that kids go along with it.
Helpful Answer (3)
Kimyashi Apr 2022
Wow. Thanks for tkg the time to respond.
parents live in the condo I got for them, Im in an apt. Im financially ok. They’re on ss and have sone money. I could work remotely. I love hard and do sacrifice, maybe part of the culture that’s part if me. Love my mom but dont like her. My dad is an angel. He had a heart attack due to the booster and frail now. I dont have many friends in DC and not a fan of this area. Housing is cheap in GA and lots of nature and Korean stores and restaurants we can enjoy. Figure a house would be big enough to have space from them if we need it. Currently I drive half hr weekly to visit. It’s inconvenient. Im a Korean born in the states so I have both values in me so I do see when you say why choose martydom. I have not much going on in DC…
Kim, don’t blame your Koreanness for the fact that you bought your parents a condo while you in fact still rent or the fact that you actually are thinking of moving to a state and cohousing with them. As a Korean American myself, you don’t have a Korean problem, you have an enmeshment issue.
Helpful Answer (3)
Kimyashi Apr 2022
Im not a believer of owning properties so thats why I rent. I got it for them to go back and forth and because they are unstable at times so it give me peace of mind they have a place. They have money but refuse to buy a place. My mom drives that decision although my dad wants to so to me this was an easy decision and one I dont regret. I can buy that it can be an enmeshment issue but its mixed with my love for them and that Im a person that makes big decisions alot (in a healthy way) but this one since its not just my life is where the confusion lies
The risk is not in moving to another state, the risk is in living with 2 declining people and you are only 1 person and don't seem to understand that you will be quickly overwhelmed by their ever-increasing needs. Please read some of the other posts on this forum by loving, well-meaning adult children who have tried this unwise "solution".

You seem to be a planner, which is good. You just need to be a realistic planner in this case. You need to do your homework very thoroughly or you'll get stuck and burned out and then lament in your own later years about being a martyr and how it ruined your life. Do you have a spouse and kids? What's your plan for yourself?

You are currently romanticizing this living together scenario. Not being your parent's total solution for their care does NOT mean you don't love them. Burnout is real and devastating and you MUST take heed from those who have gone before you. Did you know full-time caregivers have a 20% higher chance of dying before their charges? If something happens to you first, where will that leave your parents?

Maybe consider:
- Not living with them but very near them
- They move into a senior community that starts with IL, but also has AL, MC, LTC and hospice on campus
- on the condition that they assign you DPoA, and create Advance Healthcare Directives and make you their Medical Representative (a HIPAA info privacy thing that is separate from MPoA)
- and getting their agreement that when their care becomes overwhelming to you, that you WILL need to explore other care options, like them paying for in-home aids, Adult Daycare or transition into a facility. FYI paying for 24/7 in-home will exceed the cost of a nice facility.

You will get lots of unvarnished perspectives on this thread. Please go into this with your eyes wide open.
Helpful Answer (3)
Kimyashi Apr 2022
I’m single and older and not crazy about this DC area anyway. I’m pretty happy and comfortable myself but just trying to make the best out of the last chapters of my parents which I don’t think will be long. My lease ends in December and was contemplating on what to do. I don’t believe in buying property but if we could all live in one house I wouldn’t have to travel to their condo weekly. Then I could sell the condo and not being an apartment and just have one house so in my mind it just seems simple. I’m thinking all the space would be good but I’m not sure. You to bring excellent points and I will sincerely consider. Thank you for the time to write
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We have a lot of members in your situation. Unless you are willing to bow down to every demand your mother has, with a smile on your face, living with your parents will not work. Its hard taking care of a sweet lady like my Mom, but to care for 2 people and one being a narcissist will not work. Where is your brother in all this, doing his own thing? See your are the compassionate one, the one that a narcissist can manipulate. I bet dear brother is the Golden boy who is asked to do nothing and you have worked all your life to feel love from Mom. No matter what you do for this woman it won't be enough. You will never hear her say "I love you" because she does not know how to love. The only person she loves is herself.

There are nice towns surrounding DC. My sister lived in Laural and Columbia. Columbia is a planned community. My sister used to ride the train into DC. I think you can live further out and still see ur parents. I would not live with them. You go to GA and leave them in DC thats at least a 10 drive. Most of ur weekend will be on the road.

I think I would save GA for another time, maybe when ur parents are gone.
Helpful Answer (3)
Kimyashi Apr 2022
Yes, you got most of it and yes brother is the golden child. She does say I love you to me often. Even though shes not easy, I feel like alot of my decisions are because of my sweet dad. Yeah I think you’re right about that the general consensus is it’s not a good idea to live with them. Thanks for taking the time to write.
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If you want to move to Georgia then move there, IMO living together is a real bad idea, if you force the issue with your parents there will be a price to be paid in the future.

An adult living with their parents is not ever an ideal situation, sounds like they are still younger and doing fine, let it be, do whatever you want to do.
Helpful Answer (2)

Kimyashi, I see from your profile your Mom is only 76 years old, that is young by today's standards, and she could easily live another 20 years.

Moving isn't easy for a senior, especially going someplace they never been. That means all new doctors, dentist, hairdresser/barber, new grocery stores, new drug stores, the list goes on and on. Even when watching the local news, all new faces. Learning all new streets, finding new friends.

You, yourself, could also move to northern Virginia. There is Reston which is like Columbia, Md, a planned community. And there is a Metro subway stop in Reston that goes into D.C.
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Agree with MeDolly back at 1st reply & all the others.
If it's time for a change & a move, do it. But try before you buy. Take a few holidays to areas you like before a permanent move.

Separate the two issues first;
1. Moving
2. Parents

Have a think about what you REALLY want from life. To live, your job, your interests/hobbies. If city or regional is for you?

Don't be fooled by the illusion.. by putting on a Super-Daughter Cape to save your dear old Dad, by swooping him up & flying him somewhere warm, bringing Mother too. The thought is nice - but you could find you lose a lot more than you gain. Lose your freedom, your identity & become a 'Cinderella', a servant-child.

Don't hide behind the Cape: Reach out towards your own life plans. Maybe some career councelling or life coaching may shine the light towards a new path?
Helpful Answer (1)
Kimyashi Apr 2022
You make very good points and seems like everyone is on the same page. I am re-considering it and yes it can be an illusion. My parents are more needy now and my mom is ‘nicer’ to me because shes slowing down so it melts my heart and opens up to me thinking these dreams. We’re tkg a trip there next month. Thank yiu and be well
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