
My Mum's adamant there's hidden cameras and a two way mic in our home, only she hears it and police have said there's no way they're there. Paramedics were even called out to our home and took her to the hospital but nothing happened. Family, police and paramedics have all said there's nothing in the house but she refuses to listen. It's been going on for a few months now and it's at the point where I began self harming again because I'm just so stressed and upset and angry. I genuinely can't cope anymore and I don't know who to contact as my last resort. She's only 48 and doesn't suffer from dementia or anything like that, just depression/anxiety and physical ailments. I think she's extremely paranoid but I don't know who to turn to. Can she, and I, be helped??

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my mom always said that anything that can transmit can receive ( television ) . she was right .
i picked up some chrome polish out at the farm shop a couple of years ago and gave the air breather on my bike a couple of swipes . not a word was said about cleaners yet i began getting automotive cleaner ads on the PC in a matter of minutes .
your mom might be a bit nuts but she isnt wrong . cell phones eavesdrop when theyre lying in your pocket and not even in use .

ive been reading a lot about crime and justice . frequently as of late ive seen prosecutors drop charges instead of revealing their evidence . they have things they arent ready to divulge .
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Aleesha, you are describing a Mom who is mentally ill and you are, I am assuming, living with her, and you are suffering some problems yourself. I think that the only thing we can do here is to advise you to seek mental health help at once. It wouldn't really be responsible to do otherwise. I am so sorry for all you are both going through. I hope that there is some support for you there, friends or other family. I am so very sorry. Please get both of you to some help soon; it may not be healthy for you to be together at this point. I am so sorry.
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i think my toaster slides down the shelf and peeks around the corner at me sometimes .
Helpful Answer (2)
mally1 Dec 2019
Both of us laughing; thanks!
kiddin aside , i bought a big flat screen tv last summer to watch concerts on and i leave it unplugged when not in use . i leave most everything unplugged when not in use -- dont like all those little power robbing transformers .
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cherokeegrrl54 Jan 2020
I do too. It has saved on my electric bill!!
This sounds like possibly an early sign of elderly related psychosis (schizophrenia) and mental illness. You should have her checked by a geriatric doctor to make sure it doesn’t progress to major depression. If it turns out not to be the case of psychosis then I would suspect it’s concerns and fears from the media. We hear about hacks and breaches almost daily. Good luck and God Bless.
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Aleesha, have your Mum tested for an urinary tract infection. This can be done in her primary doctor's office. Such an infection can cause a person to be paranoid and also mimic dementia. It's worth being checked.
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Thank you all for your help, after I posted this she got worse, she’s been assessed yesterday and is supposed to be taken away on a section 2 sectioning which for anyone unaware is a 28 day stay in a ‘mental’ hospital (not sure what to actually call them. Sorry.) but thank you all 🧡
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Good luck and stay in touch Aleesha. Do you have any support for your own issues?
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