He already has given her $50,000. Now he has been diagnosed with Dementia and I have taken over control of finances. He pleads with me daily to let him give her another $50,000 because she is desperate. She told him that and showed him a photo of her horrible apartment. We have not seen the actual apartment. Her associate told me she runs this scam on all her male patients. I am going nuts with the constant pleas. Ideas?
that almost happened to a friend..
Get them when they are the weakest..these croons think these patients don’t have loved ones?
Is there anyway to get this ball rolling? This person actually needs to be investigated to see how many victims there are… guaranteed there are more than one victim..
.. do you have POA!??
My husband refuses to accept that she could possibly be a scam artist. He says maybe she did that in the past, but not with him. He said she told him he was like a father to her and he promised to support her like a daughter. I think that promise is stuck in his head.
I want to know how to deal with the day to day begging for money to give to her.
You can and should report her to the State licensing board.
It's so sad that a professional would take advantage like this.
Write a fake "thank you" note "from her" and address it to him and mail it to him (no return address). The note content thanks him for his help but now she's in a better place and doesn't need or want help anymore and that she's moved out of the country with a new wealthy boyfriend so she won't be in contact with him again. Take out this note when he wants to send her money.
He won't know what her handwriting looks like but make it look different than yours or have a friend write it.
Hopefully he doesn't use a phone or have internet access anymore and if he does it's one where you control all his incoming and outgoing calls from an app (Raz Memory phone).
Also, how is it that the other PT knows she did this to other patients but didn't report her? S/He should also be reported to the licensing board.
You must relentlessly redirect, distract or ignore your husband's pleas. He may need meds at this point so talk to his doctor.
Then make sure to report this crime -- it's a felony and there will be more victims. Maybe you'll have a chance of getting some of that money back.
We start with the fact your husband is now never to be in any room alone with this person. Nor should this person be seen again.
All right, this is elder abuse and elder fraud and the penalties are severe and will result in loss of licensure.
It is time to take your proof of your husband's having given money to a physical therapist to the police. File a report with your proof. Contact the licensure board in your state for physical therapists: this person may not even BE one or would know better than to do this.
Next call APS and open a case on this. Ask them to your home and be ready to show your proof.
This is "gifting" of money and will preclude your husband's getting any aid from Medicaid in the next five years (2 1/2 in California). You need police reports on it.
Now, if your husband is completely competent and wishes to give this money away that is his right and I suggest you get IMMEDIATE legal separation and division of assets. At once. On Monday, if that's the case.