
She is 90 years old and she suffers from worsening Alzheimer's dementia with worsening behavioral symptoms and her Doctor considers that she requires full time nursing home. None of the nursing homes accepted my mother as a patient with temporary Acces card (Medicaid ). I am myself 70 years old and in crisis family situation and begging for help for my mother. Thank you

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Is your mother an immigrant that received EMERGENCY Medicaid, but who won't be eligible for another 2 years because she falls under the 5 years restriction from government assistance? If your parent is a green card holder or visa holder that signed paperwork that she would not apply for government benefits for 5 years, you will have to explore alternative routes for care.
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I'm not sure what a temporary access card is. Has your mom been approved for Nursing Home Medicaid? That's different from Community Medicaid, which is often a waiver program that will pay for services while the patient remains in their home.

You need to get your mother on as many waiting lists for Nursing Homes that accept Medicaid (not all do and they are not required to). YOu need to call them all and ask "do you accept Medicaid patients?" Do you accept patients who are "Medicaid pending?". Be sure that the person you talk to understands that you are NOT asking if there is a bed available at this time, that you need to put your mom on the waiting list.

The best route to NH admission is from a hospital. If your mother needs a hospitalization, she can be more easily admitted to a NH, Medicaid pending from a hospital setting.

Hoping that others will have answers for you as well.
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Make sure that the SW understands that " mom can no longer be safely cared for at home". Do not sign for discharge. If the we tries to guilt you with " the state will take over guardianship " tell them that's fine with you.
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BarbBrooklyn,thank you for your prompt answer ,I really appreciate and I since my mom she is in a hospital I will ask the social worker to help us with her Medicaid pending
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I think the issue is the OP has explored nursing home placement but none will accept her because she does not have Medicaid due to immigration status. She may be dc’d home with a few home care visits to teach the family how to care for her, but I  don’t think she will be given a Medicaid bed. 
This is a very hot topic these days.....
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