
Hi, I'm only 21 and my mom is about to turn 55 on the 27th.
When I was 15 my mom was diagnosed with anal cancer, she was cured from that a year later and was seemingly fine.
She's been smoking since she was 16, and finally quit this year.
A few months ago, in July, my mom went to the hospital. They subsequently put her on a breathing machine because her oxygen was so low (not covid)- and she spent 2 weeks on a ventilator. They weren't sure what it was but they assumed it was HLH, as she had sepsis and severe inflammation.
Eventually she somewhat recovered and went to a rehabilitation center. She was happy and was doing well. After 3 months in the hospital she came home September 24. She was doing good at home until a few weeks ago where she has been in constant pain.
The doctors are now thinking it's lymphoma but they're still not sure. We might find out December 29th for a follow up.
My mom is in so much pain and is a shut-in. I have to do shopping for the house, as my dad works so much.
I feel really bad for my mom and I'm just scared. I'm very young and so is she, but it breaks my heart to see how much pain she's in.
I know she takes 15 mg of Morphine but it doesn't work. She takes many pills but I'm not sure what they are. She says none of them work.
The doctors are not giving her enough pills, they don't know what's wrong. She's in so much pain she can barely walk.

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After her follow up on the 29th and depending what is found out, your mom probably needs to go to a Pain Clinic. There she can discuss with the Dr. different options to try and treat her pain. If she's been taking morphine for a while, she's probably already addicted to it, and that's the reason her Dr's aren't wanting to give her more.

I hate that you're having to worry about mom so at your young age. Hoping that she gets the answers she needs soon. Best wishes.
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The awful answer to "what can I do" is basically "nothing" to cure this pain.
Like Againx100 I am very surprised that Morphine is being administered now without a certain diagnosis. Can you tell me more about Mom's pain, such as exactly where it is, what times of day it is worse, is it present at night. And without knowing what those other medications are, difficult to tell what is happening here at all. Some medications cause what is called "rebound pain".
Firstly it is necessary to have a diagnosis. That will likely mean that specialists will be visited.
Nextly it may be necessary for Mom to see a doctor who is a specialist in "pain management".
Your Mom has had a lot of illness ongoing, and a lot of medications must have been administered if now she is taking morphine. One's body becomes dependent on these medications at the same time they begin to work less well to control pain itself.
You are correct that Mom is quite young, and has dealt with a lot. You are quite young as well. This isn't your responsibility to "fix". In fact it may not be fixable. This is something that your Mom and Dad must work through together, encouraging YOU all the while to move on with life, with college or with a job and a life of your own. You cannot cure all of Mom's ills with worrying about her, and becoming at your young age her caregiver. Mom and Dad and "the system" such as it is will have to do that. Since age 15 you have been witness to a lot of suffering that many young people avoid, at a time when they are more carefree and involved in learning.
I hope that with time medical will discover what is going on with Mom and a way to help her feel better. Chronic pain is a dreadful thing; it is very depressing to awaken with pain, live with pain, and see the sun go down on your pain, knowing another day means another day of dealing with it. But it is on Mom and Dad now to make that clear to the doctors and specialists as they search for a way to help your Mom. Your job is to be a loving daughter (and CLEARLY YOU ARE), but to get on with your life despite what is happening, with some acceptance that NONE OF THIS is in your control. You are not a doctor. You can only love your Mom and hurt for her pain. And you are clearly doing that. But it must not stop your own life, and I hope both your Mom and Dad are telling you that.
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This is really sad that your mom is suffering so much! It's rather inhumane, IMHO. But without a diagnosis and her young age, I could see where they would be reluctant to prescribe too much. I'm surprised she's on morphine, but perhaps I'm just a tag ignorant on that.

I would call her doc and see if there anything that she can take between now and the 29th. That's a long time to be needlessly suffering.

For OTC, how about some CBD oil? Go to a health food store or food co-op and ask for help, There are oils to go under the tongue as well as topical creams. I don't know what type of pain she has.

Can ice or heat provide any relief?
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