
There are 3 nights in a row, I'm cleaning poo and pee. I am exhausted. There is any other kind of pamper hard for her to take off??? Please help!!

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Oh Boy that is one that is SO frustrating!!!!!! My father did that when he would have to be on new meds and made him just looloo! We use the briefs that tape on the sides and he would tear them up and well, yes I know. I ended up putting one of those derby gloves on his hand, since the other one did not work, and he couldn't "feel" the tapes to rip them off sometimes he still grabbed and tore, so we put a pair of PJ bottoms on top of that with a heavier glove. it diverted him enough to leave his pants alone until we changed him again. He had a terrible case of sundowners, but thank God it passed. took months but passed. Now he very rarely will do that and were back to no glove or PJs on bottom so we can turn and change him with less trouble. I know its very frustrating, I send a big hug and know youre not alone. God Bless
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Put some duct tape on those bad boys, and when a change is necessary, cut the sides with scissors. Works like a charm.
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There are pajamas that are fastened in the back, all one piece, sort of like a kids' onesie. It prevents the confused person from "getting at" the pull-up and/or disrobing during the night. Do a search online for Anti-Strip Suit Pyjamas, and several websites should pop up where you can buy them. Good luck!
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I didn't have this problem with my dad but I did have it with my daughter when she was in diapers. I would wake up and she'd be all sunny and happy and there'd be poop on the wall and on her hands and in her mouth. I duct taped her diaper on her at night and it worked like a charm.
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I like the duct tape idea too...sounds mean, but they cant tear it. The pjs i used for my dad was put on backwards so he couldnt open. Love the suggestions
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they sound like good suggestions but I would be careful if using scissors around someone old like that since you never know when they will get their hands in the way or move. you don't want to have an additional problem on your hands. God bless those of you who can do this. I have seen alot with my father but not sure if I could change someone. I did it for my babies when little just not sure about adults. I guess no one ever knows until the time comes.
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NO DUCT TAPE PEOPLE! No, no, no. Elderly skin is so fragile, you will rip skin down to the bone and then you really will have a problem! And it will not be just cleaning up feces and urine. This is life. This is life. Leave her undergarments off, and put a chux (a plastic lined bed protector) on the bed. Make sure to toilet her before bedtime and no water after 5 or 6 p.m. (depending on what her schedule is). When one drinks a liquid, the bowels are stimulated to move (peristalsis). Drink, move. No drink, no movement. I have never seen so many people be so worried and hung up about feces and urine. Honestly, there are more important things to worry about! Just remember, one day your time will come and someone will be cleaning you. If you can remember how you acted and treated your loved one, maybe your behaviors would be different. Clean it up, don't complain, and have a loving relationship with your loved one. What else could anyone ask for?
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I don't think the people on here are seriously going to duct tape the tape to their skin. They are meaning that they will duct tape the tape to the diaper.....not the skin. and a bed protector is fine as long as they stay in bed, but if they wonder around, it makes for a long night of cleaning up after them all thru the house. My father has not yet reached that stage but he does get up after my mother goes to sleep for about 2 or 3 hours. when she gets up, lights are on all over the house so she knows he has been up doing who knows what. And she just cannot stay awake the hours he does and sleeps some of the day away when he does, she is diabetic and needs to tend to herself. So I would say tape would be okay on the "diaper/depends or whatever" just not the skin.
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Um, no...sorry about the confusion... I certainly wouldn't recommend duct tape be placed directly on and elderly person's skin! Good lord, I meant it like Wolf took it...on the adult underwear, not the skin...
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Oh, my mistake. So happy to learn that. I still think too many people are too obsessed with poop and pee. It is a natural, biological event we all do.
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There is a company called Buck and Buck that makes adaptive clothing, pants that they sleep in that can't be taken off easily, things that close up in the back. My granny was a naked as a jaybird type. Duct tape works well also. I know a person that put her dad to bed in like a one piece! That worked really well also. I guess no one wants to sleep in a diaper, probably itchy. If these work for her the adult "pull up " type is more comfortable then she might leave them alone but they cost a ton more money. You have WAY better things to do than clean up poop and pee off of everything!! plus with alot of old people it would be very dangerous they might eat it or rub poop in their eye...OMG or all over everything like the happy baby. Then you have a two hour bleach clean up for breakfast! Ok, and this may sound weird but whenever you have new behavior its usually a bladder infection or irritation. Good luck!!!! I also just want to say that I love Buck and Buck, they are the nicest people ever. They can give you some clothing options.
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I take care of my father who is incontinent with dementia and my husband with Alzheimer's and a catheter and bowel incontinence. I feel like this last year I have dealt with more pee, poop and throw up (from the stomach problems) than most people deal with in a year. I have found mentholatum rub works to keep me from gagging from the smell. Poop and pee are biological event but not one I enjoy cleaning up after a grown man.
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@ferris1 - Bowel movements are natural, yes but it is TOTALLY different when it is someone else's. Give those that are not nurses or have strong stomach and gag reflexes a break!
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My MIL was so proud of her clean Pull-Up that she'd show it to me in the am and brag on herself. Needless to say where all the poo and pee WAS -- all over everything else! At first I thought I could explain the purpose of the Pull-Up -- was I ever delusional! I soon realized some foods led to much worse messes -- so unless they were special favorites or mighty healthy -- I quit feeding those items. Wish I had seen some of these suggestions then!
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buckandbuck - for the online site of a catalog that has one-piece pajamas that button in the back. . .
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Whoops - sorry - did not see mbvargo's comment!
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It depends on your situation. My mother stared that also. I now use the diaper like briefs and just leave them open the change them as needed. I also use the large disposable bed pad on top of the sheet in addition to placing some under the bottom sheet on top of the water proof mattress protector . This is working well for me while my mother is in bed or recliner and not walking. I also have pull-ups on hand and use them when I choose. Also the type of food and feeding schedule determines when the bowels move and whether messy or not. I try to use a mixture of foods including lentil/beans,grains,veggies and am getting better results especially if feeding schedule is consistent. You have to study them and adjust to what works. Keeping to a schedule that facilitates sleeping during the night without a bowel movement takes time and observing in relation to diet. Of course choose grains wisely,not all are good for them.
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Oh Lord, I can't belive such respond "too obsessed with poop and pee" or "clean it up, don't complain" I thought this was supposed to be sharing ideas and support each other in our weakness moments as human, because yes, I'm human. I dont need to be judged. Lady with all my respect, let God be the judge.
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Google or contact Buck and Buck, and request a catalog. They have adaptive clothing for seniors, disabled and elder care. We purchased clothing for my dad from this very helpful and reliable company.
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Dear Ferris1
Please understand that not everyone is so matter of fact about pee and poop. I commend you for your feelings and reactions regarding this but I for one freak out every time there is a poomergency! It's not easy to get used to. And also this forum is a wonderful place to rant and rave about it since you can't do it to other siblings who do nothing to help. They don't even want to hear about it let alone give ideas or heaven forbid help once in a while.
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Poop and pee are natural, but it's not clean or safe to be handling it, and for some people, it causes an involuntary gag response. I could remove your appendix with a screwdriver and it wouldn't make me sick. If you crap on the floor and I have to clean it up? I'm going to barf everywhere. The smell makes me gag even if I walk into a public restroom where someone has "gone #2" before I got there. As for caregivers handling poop and pee their loved ones leave on the floor, in bedding, on clothes, etc..., even the tiniest amount that you miss when scrubbing up after cleaning poop off the floor, etc... can make you really sick, Farm workers not cleaning their hands thoroughly after going to the bathroom and then picking lettuce, etc..., causes e coli outbreaks. It's natural, but not something one is supposed to handle.
Helpful Answer (7)

Nancy59, you are not obsessed with poop and pee at all! You are reacting naturally to a very difficult situation. You are truly devoted to your mother, but you don't want to spend your waking hours cleaning up her messes all over your house. That is a perfectly normal reaction to what's going on. I hope that some of these suggestions have helped you deal with the problem. We're not here to judge one another, just to give each other support. I wish you well.
Helpful Answer (2)

WOW - new best idea for me! Duct tape! Now we can go back to wearing normal PJ bottoms!
spouse pulls out his weenie and pees all over, so I got normal long shorts, put them on backwards over his diapers, and used a tight belt around waist. Duct tape idea is much much better!
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Buck and Buck has these one piece pajamas to purchase. Oh my gosh.....these were a god send as we were struggling with undressing. When my grandmother was doing this, she not only was getting her hands into the feces and smearing it literally everywhere. But she was also getting urinary tract infections constantly because of transferring the bacteria to her urethra this way. Right now, we are using both the blue taped briefs with a pull up over the top of them with the one piece pajamas. When we dont have her wear the once piece pajamas, we put the gloves on her hands that the other person above had mentioned about. I had a hard time dealing with the idea of having to put the gloves oh her hands at first. But home health care explained it to me in such a way that it is in their interests for their health.
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Try clothing at preventawear. Very confortable, anti stip...can be worn under anything, pajamas, pants an shirts, anything. I have used them on my loved one...they helped SO MUCH!!!!
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