
My mother has been really stressing me out lately. She feels alone all the time because she doesn't have anyone to talk to. I've suggested that she go places and meet people, but she tends to speak poorly about others as if they can't hear her. Her doctor's appointments have also become stressful. She acts like the doctors aren't doing enough for her and seems to feel very alone. I'm at home with her and when I try to watch a movie or show, she talks throughout it, making comments about people's appearances. Before, she used to watch movies and laugh with me, so this change is hard for me to see. I'm trying my best, but I also have a child who needs my attention, and she's making me feel guilty.

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If you are becoming overly stressed, take that as a signal that you need to stop being your mom’s primary caregiver.

Her needs will progress as time goes on. You will become even more agitated.

Don’t wait until you are completely frazzled before you stop caregiving. That’s never the best option.

Know your limitations. Arrange for others to take over your responsibilities, whether it means hiring someone or looking into facility care. Then, resume your life.

Wishing you all the best.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom

Too much togetherness! Mom will most likely only change to worsen at this point, her life has now handed her health challenges and loneliness, so any changes to the situation will have to come from you. She can’t make you feel guilty if you stop allowing it, accept that you’re not responsible for her entertainment or happiness. Make plans for you and your child, minus mom. Live your lives, enjoy activities and the company of positive people. Be around less!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Daughterof1930

It is time now for you to have your own job, your own place to live, and to raise your own child in a happy home. You are not responsible for your mother's happiness. She is. You have a child to care for and that, along with getting a job and making a good home is enough for anyone.
I wish you the best, but mom's on her own.

Now if you absolutely cannot get out on your own for some reason you have not told us about, then KNance has some ideas for you about getting out with your own child for walks, for entertainment, for good times.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Yes it is difficult Living with a parent - Not a lot of Privacy . I Often went out a Lot , did errands , rode my Bike , went to the beach for a swim, Hopped a bus to acupuncture , Got a bite to eat afterwards . You have to create Outside activities . The acupuncture helped me with the stress and I would occasionally get a massage - it really saved me and almost More therapeutic than a Therapist . You have to take care of your mental and Physical health or you get really worn down. I gained weight even though I hardly ate and ran all Over the city for 10 years . Looking back I am surprised at how much I survived . Create activities with your child - Join a community center - YMCA , swim, go Camping , Hiking with your child . It is very Hard to entrain someone 24/ 7 I Know I ddi it for 10 years and would dread Leaving to the beach to come home to Chaos often times .
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to KNance72

Are you living in moms home or in yours? If you're in your moms move out with your child if at all possible. And if mom is in yours, you tell her that this arrangement isn't working for you anymore and that your mental health is suffering, and that she must move into an assisted living facility or the like.
I know being a singe parent is hard all the way around, and perhaps living with your mom is your way of saving some money, but is the stress really worth it?
I think I would rather work 3 jobs and live on my own with my child than to live with a negative Nelly, and have my mental health suffer.
But only you can make that decision. You can't live your moms life for her and you can't make her happy. Only she can make the positive changes necessary to improve her attitude.
And if she chooses to live in misery that is on her. Please don't let her drag you down with her. You and your child deserves so much better.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59

You could try meditating too - Thomas victor Carroll On Quik silver and Instagram accounts - he Posts His meditations - Famous surfer and great teacher . Find a acupuncture for everyone clinic - community acupuncture .
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to KNance72

Mom has health problems and probably does not feel all that well. There could be some cognitive changes too. If she lives alone and can afford it, maybe time for an AL. If you live with her or her with you, you need to say sorry Mom but I will not be your entertainer. I have a 12 yr old who needs my attention. This is how it is when you have not planned for old age. It comes and it comes quickly. My girls and grands have always been told MomMom does not play sge bakes cookies. I don't like puzzles, games or cards. I will supply you with the items but do not expect me to play. If I do, its only occasionally.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to JoAnn29

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