My 93 year old mom has dementia and has been bed ridden for ~3 weeks. Diaper wearing is needed but she constantly removes tape and somehow manages to dirty the bed etc etc etc. Not with pee but excrement. What can I do to make sure she can’t remove the diaper. I change her often in the day like 4-5 times it just seems like she poops when I’m not around to see her remove the diaper.
My husband too was completely bedridden for the last 22 months of his life, and I had to hire an aide to come every morning to put him on the bedside commode so he could poop in that instead of his diaper. That worked so much better than trying to change him and clean him up in the bed. The aide would hold him up, while I cleaned him up, and then she would put him back in the bed. Best wishes.
This will put the tape at the back and will be difficult for her to remove.
You could also try Duct Tape over the tabs provided this would be a bit stronger than the tape.
You can try putting her in a "onsie" BUT you would also have more difficulty getting her changed.