
my aunt lives at her house, myself, my fience, her grandma live here also. The grandma and her mom have addiction to pain pills. They steal are aunts pains meds and the caregiver even notices... what can i do and who can i contact? The grandma is always naggin to herself

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You may also contact the police and get a restraining order put on this person, or have them arrested if you know they are doing this... sorry for the harsh answers above, you were simply asking a question and probably just needed some encouragement to call the police... it is better to have that person upset than to have your aunt not getting her meds... let me know what happens and how you are doing... hugs
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What do you mean by a safe place. If other family members can get to them, then the place you are putting them is not safe enough. I don't mean to sound harsh, but clearly what you are doing isn't working, so you have to do better. Get a small trunk and put a padlock on it. Only you and the caregiver have the key. If that doesn't work then you need a small safe. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but someone has to take some responsibility here. If the ones taking the meds have an addition problem, then maybe it would be wise to talk the their doctors and alert them to this problem. Maybe your aunt needs to consider different living arrangements for those who would steal her meds. Start with the trunk.
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You are responsible to keep pain meds safe. Do your job and stop blaming everyone else. Put the meds is a safe place. Get a small safe if you need to, but take care of the problem.
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Why do you leave them where they can steal them? It should not be hard to do. You or the caretaker hold on to them and give them to your aunt when she needs them. OF COURSE an addict is gonna take them when your letting them. I think your just as guilty if your allowing it and it sounds like you are.......It's hard to believe that this is a problem if you are aware of it. Your letting them do this. YOU MAY AS WELL JUST BE PUTTING THE PILLS IN THEIR HANDS.
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I am a 78 year old pharmacist and thought I had heard it all. I have been on pain management for several years due to a broken back and noticed my pain meds were not lasting the entire month. I even questioned my wife of 50+ years and my pharmacist (who I had hired). After getting those I loved and trusted mad at me, I found out another family member was the culprit. I had signed a contract with my MD that I would report any hanky panky but to date have not done so because of all of the repercussions (it would literally destroy my family). I have chosen to stay silent but be ultra safe with my pain meds. There is a special place in hell for those who would put their elders through this.
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We seem to be telling you the same thing. It's hard to understand how they can possibly still be getting them if you say they are in a safe place . Are you for real? If it is such a safe place then you explain how they are getting them. Look up the word "safe" and maybe you'll understand what the word means. I don't mean to be blunt either But if I were your aunt I WOULDN'T FEEL SAFE WITH ANY OF YOU! How can you be keeping her safe if you can't even figure this out? I think somethings fishy about all this. You can't be a caregiver to someone if you can't even take care of their medicine!!
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ladeeda: I'm sorry if my answers were harsh. They were harsh, so I'm not saying they were not, however, you can't get a restraining order on someone who lives in the house. You would have to have them arrested and charged. I don't have a problem with that, but you have to have some proof as to who is doing the stealing of pills. On some level, from what I read, it seems like everyone is living at the Aunt's house. Who pays the bills? In case you didn't notice, the question is poorly written, it says the Aunt lives there along with Grandma (I'm guessing that's the Aunt's mom) and then the person writing and her fiance. So who is the "Grandma and her mom" that have an addiction to pain pills? The pills are not in a safe place or they would not be used by others. The police can't come into the house and just guess at who is stealing them. Bottom line, lock up the pills.
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I personally lock them in a "safe" and keep the keys being you r living their anyway and then u can administer them to her as she needs them and of couse as recommended on the bottle. As for the ones that r stealing I would boot them out of the house and threating call police. They r no way helping any matters for your Aunt's health & lifestyle and if you cannot seem to do then let the police or adult family service get involve to help you.
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Well, I guess we are back to tough love. I have to agree.
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My boyfriend gets his pills every month. He just got them filled yesterday for severe pain he gets Morphine, Xanax, and Narco 10-325. His son abuses his dad and takes all his pills. Now his father is in pain and his son will not give them to him. He takes them every month. Just talked to his son and he told me he has them. His father is crying in pain and won't give them to him. He is taking them himself plus selling some. What do I do? Please help.
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