
Care taker cares for a woman at a facility 4-5 24 hour shifts in a row, sleeping about 6 hours a night. He gets no assistance from staff for toilet/bath so he’s doing it alone with the client and we’re concerned that this is borderline as he’s alive with a female client who always seems to be s crushing on the care taker. What is the fine line? Should he always demand support from the facility /a female present/ for toilet/bath?

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Is this for real? Because I can't imagine any facility wanting/needing/allowing an outside caregiver to remain on site "4-5 24 hour shifts in a row, sleeping about 6 hours a night". And if he gets no assistance from the facility staff why the heck is the client or her family paying $$$ for a facility?

As for caring for someone of the opposite gender - women care for men all the time and nobody thinks twice about it.
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Isthisrealyreal Dec 2021
The best nurse I had in the hospital was male. Nothing weird because of his complete professionalism.
I can only echo what cwillie has said.
IF this is accurate I would be looking for another facility that can adequately care for this woman.
I also question the legality of working 4 to 5 24 hour shifts with no real break.

A professional caregiver knows how to handle patients that may "crush" on them.
A caregiver does their job.
If it does become uncomfortable for the caregiver they should request someone else take the client.
If the client (the woman) has reservations about having a male caregiver that should also be taken into consideration and a female should be assigned.
And obviously if there is any abuse that occurs (from a male or a female caregiver) the person should be reported and removed immediately.
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I agree with Willie, this does not make sense. No facility is allowed to work their staff this way. Don't think its legal to work a private paid caretaker this way either. Better be getting good money and lots of overtime.

Why would you pay an outside caregiver when you are paying for a facility? I think we need some clarification.
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