
Wife has had 7 UTI since June stroke.

Isn't that way too much?

Does she need new doctors?


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Hi John. Yes, way too many. A urologist should be seen to determine first, reason for so many, and second how to address due to the cause. Could be bladder not emptying completely causing bacteria to grow in bladder or could be other bacteria. Your wife is lucky to have you looking out for her. Good luck.
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No. She doesn’t need a new doctor unless you and she want to switch. But, she needs to be monitored. My mother had monthly testing for infections. She could need to be on a daily low dose of antibiotics. Also, monitor her hygiene and make sure she is getting clean down there.
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TaylorUK Oct 2019
Whilst low dose daily as preventative works well for a number of elderly patients it is very harmful to the populous as a whole as it leads to higher levels of resistance of the bacteria in the community. My mother's Dr was into doing this having not treated properly, just done on look of urine and nitrate test, and she is now antibiotic resistant to major UTI causing bacteria and has to have IV treatment if she gets infection. UTI is treated far to casually and drugs are used far too casually - by the time we get old we will be living with untreatable UTIs if Drs don't start to get a grip on proper testing and then treating and retesting to ensure clear. Low dose daily is an easy solution for them but doesn't help the patient in the long run. You can home test for yourself easily to monitor your mother, although it may be too late for her if Dr is using this method of prevention rather than cure.
If she has had that many in the period of time you say then in all probability it is due tot the fact they are not getting rid of the infection at any time. This can be difficult if toilet habits are poor (back to front wiping etc). but also because most elderly people carry the bugs for UTI around in the bladder all the time, and UTI symptoms appear when the number of bugs becomes great enough. They need to do a full lab test to determine exactly which bug is causing infection(s) and then prescribe to ensure killing it off. This can be a double strength dose of the correct antibiotic for twice the normal length of the course, or if necessary IV antibiotics. Too many Drs prescribe according to how they would treat a younger person with a single presentation of UTI and too many do not get full lab work done to get a complete picture of antibiotic need. May help to change Dr. Also I am assuming your wife at least completes the courses of antibiotics she is given and doesn't stop when symptoms stop.
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john1947 Oct 2019
I like your reply.I will tell my wife when she is ready to listen to me,lol
She went to a urolgist .they did a ultrasound to see if her bladder eptied which was okThe test they took came back negative but it was caught by her doctor not the uro.My wife is 71 except for the stroke average health,her doctor I think relies on way to quick testing like said here.She has gone to afterhours for testing which I did not like.
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The urologist prescribed a vaginal cream for my mother. She used a small amount a couple of times a week. He explained that the vaginal dryness was what was giving the bacteria a route to the bladder. That along with making sure the bladder is empty will help keep down the UTIs. I hope this makes sense to you. She did not have any problems as long as she used the cream. Estrace was the name of it.
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AlvaDeer Oct 2019
Often good as the infections migrate up the shorter urethra of a woman because of the thinning of that tissue.
I am concerned about her bowel and bladder habits. She be offered to toilet every 3-4 hours. Make sure she drinks at least 2 liters of water daily. Make sure she wipes from front to back. If she wears depends, they need to be changed every 3 hours and wash private parts from front to back with mild soap and water and good final rinse. Make sure she stays dry and use barrier creams if needed to prevent diaper rash. She may need to have depends removed at night and be allowed to sleep without undergarments on pads so her private parts get enough air circulation. When you have intimate relations, make sure to use a good lubricant and encourage her to void afterwards.
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My mom had trouble with UTI's for awhile. Once her Primary treated it aggressively with antibiotics and rechecked to make sure all was clear, we began daily cranberry supplements. "Knock on wood" she hasn't had one for several years.
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I’m a medical assistant and for years my moms doctor said after finished with antibiotics from a UTI start giving her cranberry juice ( mom didn’t like everyday) so I purchased Cranberry vitamins that states for UTI’s or if you can’t find just cranberry vitamins 1 every nite and drink more water than other liquids and it worked! Mom has been UTI free for 8 years now. Plus we had to train her to wipe front to back only once! Don’t wipe back and forth because any bacteria their will get caught up in cavity and maybe start a UTI
good luck
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AlvaDeer Oct 2019
D-Mannose works MUCH better than cranberry, so please give it a try. See above answer. It is not acidic. Cranberry did nothing for me and is often full of sugars. D Mannose also comes out to be cheaper with capsules one a day coming in at 30.00 for 120.
Please try D-Mannose. I am old retired RN who completely does NOT believe in vitamins and supplements, except this one. It works much like cranberry, not allowing bacteria to adhere to the bladder wall. I was getting more than 4 a year until I got on this, and now none for a decade. I take one capsule a day but they are large, so recommend tasteless powder if difficulty with swallow. Cheap, it is about 30.00 on Amazon for 120 capsules and well worth a try. I swear by it and were I going to a desert island and could take ONE drug I would leave my cardiac stuff behind and take it. That's how much I believe in it. Now some urologists are recommending it as well. Please give it a try as there is nothing whatsoever to lose. I was being threatened with daily cipro as my infections were migrating up to pyelonephritis in kidney.
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Cranberry juice should never be used because of the sugar. There are tablets that can be taken. Never heard of what Alva uses but she has mentioned it before and it works for her.

Everyone elses suggestions are great. But I do question using soap. Soap can cause problems too if used on the Urethra. I would stay away from there. I have a hand held shower head that is great for cleaning that area. Thats all I used on my Mom and she had no UTIs in the 2 yrs she lived with me. (She did when she went to AL) Just make sure the area is dry. My one friend who suffered from infections was told to use a hairdryer. I used Huggies Wipes for a good clean up. They are thicker and bigger than the "lady" ones.

Not voiding completely is a big problem. Its hard to tell a person with Dementia to "push" to get it all out. I wondered why, when MIL was in rehab, why they left her to go. I really think its because the longer they sit the more likely they will void completely.

My Mom was put on probiotics and a cranberry tablet when she was in the hospital for a UTI. It continued when she left. From Oct 2016 till Sept 2017 when she passed, she had no more Utis. Make sure she is given a culture so they no what strain of infection she has and the right antibiotic is used. My Mom was given a broad spectrum antibiotic which did nothing for her. Actually, it contained penicillin which she was sensitive to which ended up causing her big problems.
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I was having recurrent UTI's also and went to the urologist. She put me on a regimen that I have since implemented with my 86 YO MIL and no more UTI's for either of us. We take D-Mannose DAILY. I take the powder with a cup of water every morning. She takes the Capsuls. We also take 1000mg of Vitamin C daily. The D-Mannose also has cranberry extracts and probiotics. I swear it is wonderful.

The other thing that can help if your wife is able, is to use a Peri-Bottle/Portable Bidet after BM's. Especially if they are not "solid". It washes away the e-coli bacteria that can sometimes get smeared in that area when wiping. I believe that has also been a help. Most UTI's are due to the E-Coli bacteria. As we age, and lose estrogen, that area becomes more brittle, less elastic, and can make it easier to transmit bacteria into the brittle urethra.
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What ever the treatment please get a good probiotic and prebiotic to help restore her gut health. Antibiotics are good at their jobs, they kill bacteria, but they have no discretion, they kill good and bad bacteria, leaving our bodies defenseless.

I would give her 2 a day for a couple of months and then 1 a day there after. Swanson vitamins is a good source for affordable probiotics, I use the ones with FOS which is a prebiotic.

If she is on any antibiotics be sure and separate doses 2 hours either side of probiotics. This will allow both to do their job and not interfere with one another.

I hope that you can find a way to get these cleared up, they are so dreadful and challenging.
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-100% whole cranberry juice.
- New specialist.
-My mother had U.T.I.s that were recurring AND SHE HEALED THEM HERSELF!
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You have received many practical answers here. If the UTI's don't slow down, ask if she might have a kidney stone. Not all cause pain, so you wouldn't necessarily go looking. I say this because my mother had repeated UTI's and the source was a stone. The infection got embedded in the stone. After the urine appeared clean, the stone would re-infect her. Taking care of the stone fixed the issue.
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Does she have a catheter draining her urine?
Even if she doesn't that is a lot of infections. Hygiene is important with or without a catheter. Stool needs to be kept away from her urethra.
Encourage or push fluids and that will help flush bacteria unless she is on fluid restriction by her doctor.
Also increase the acidity of her urine with cranberry juice concentrate. ( health food stores or ask your pharmacist. )
Follow the directions on the bottle. DO NOT ADD SUGAR. Sugar just feeds the bacteria. It tastes absolutely horrid, but that's the only real way to do it. You can dilute it more if you wish, that helps a bit. Cranberry juice has to many additives and I've never seen the cranberry pills work.
Always remember, drink, drink, drink, unless you can't.
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Which bacteria do they say is causing the infections?
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