
I'm POA of my former husband who is going on 82. He had a mild stroke a year ago but his health has gone downhill. I call him family because I'm all he has other than 2 kids, a daughter living 5 hrs away in another city and a son who works full time. The problem with the x is he's a hoarder and won't bathe, cuts his own hair. When he visits my dining room table has used toothpicks, tissue, small sticks picked up from the yard, his personal items, drives me crazy. He seldom ever showers, but will brush his teeth. The bed he sleeps on stinks as well as his body. My fear is having to take care of him. He's said he'd shoot himself before going into a nursing home. I care for the man but don't like him. What do you do about someone you care about but can't stand to be around more than 2 days? As I am typing this I see how crazy it sounds and how bad I need counseling, no one to confide in. Too many resentments from verbal abuse during the marriage. That's no longer the issue because I quit tolerating that years ago. Forgiven but not forgotten.

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BettyMG you said he is your former husband. Do you mean POA over your former husband? pos means piece of shit in my world, lol. I don’t think that is what you meant, lol. You don’t owe him anything. He is your former husband. He’s not your responsibility. Please see a counselor . It will help you.
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lealonnie1 Oct 2019
She may have actually meant pos! Hahaha
I totally agree with Elaine. You owe him nothing. Yes, seek counseling. Vent here. We care. Hugs!

Don’t be manipulated by anyone.
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I agree with Elaine, too.
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Betty, You are a kindhearted lady, but you need to live your life, like you planned to when you divorced him. Is he living on his own and just comes to visit, or does he live with you? Are the 2 kids you mentioned your children or stepchildren? I agree he definitely isn’t your you get out from under it may depend on your answers and how you want to approach this., but you need to be willing.
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BettyMG you are a good person and this causes you to have a conscience. It is apparent that you see the dismal writing on the "aging" wall waiting your ex and you pity him. He, on the other hand, doesn't need to see it -- or care about it -- because he has you to baby him. But, he's Pig Pen (per your description) and he has no hesitation to trail his self-made toxic cloud into your home and disrespect it, and you. And you let him. Why?? News flash: he's a full grown adult man who had his entire life to figure things out and plan like the rest of us. Don't rescue him. Wallowing in his own filth all alone might actually cause him to wake up and fix himself before it's too late. You can resign your PoA so that you have a boundary to stop yourself from mommy-ing him. Hope neither of his kids will make the mistake of enabling him. I'm also hoping Overgrown Pig Pen isn't your PoA...?? Wishing you clarity and wisdom and peace in your decision to move forward.
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Hi Betty. Did you know its emotional blackmail for your EX to be saying he'll shoot himself rather than go into a nursing home? You are accepting MORE abuse from him now by being his POA and allowing him to stink up your home and your life.

When my mother tells me she's going to jump out the window, I remind her she lives on the first floor so it won't do much damage to jump......I suggest she go up to the roof if she wants to kill herself. Don't agree to play that game, just like I don't agree to it with my mother.

You divorced him for a reason and now he's back in your life, again, and in even worse shape than before you dumped him the first time. Resign your post as POA and wish your EX all the best with his life. You are done. You DO have that right!
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Do you ever tell him that he needs to shower or stay home? Tell him to clean his crap up you are not his servant.

It is okay to set boundaries, it is your home not his.

I have an issue with house guests that disrespect the host and their home. For me, it means you don't get to come to my home. Sorry if you are having a rough time, but stinking up my house, my bed not okay. Peeing all over my bathroom, go home and don't darken my doorstep again.

You are not making the choice for him to not be welcome, he is. Shower and respect = a welcome to visit. No shower= no welcome, no respect = no welcome.

You are not his wife because he was verbally abusive, now he is being emotionally and mentally abusive by pushing himself on your hospitality. You don't have to accept being abused by him. That behavior is why he has nobody, but that doesn't obligate you to be someone for him.

No excuse for abuse, ever.

Take care of you and give him some brochures for local facilities. If he threatens to kill himself call 911 and tell them that he is a danger to himself and needs to be helped. They will take him to a psychiatric hospital and get him some help.

Telling you that he will kill himself is manipulation and abuse. I would never let him back in my door. He obviously feels comfortable abusing and using you.

I am sorry that you are going through this, but you can tell him no and not be his caregiver, it is okay. It doesn't make you a bad person or any less kind. Hugs and strength to you!
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May I ask a very pointed, blunt question?  If you don't like him, he smells, doesn't seem to respect you, why are you taking care of him?   

As suggested, resign your position as proxy for him, don't let him emotionally manipulate you by threatening to kill himself, and move on.   

If you don't, years later you'll look back on this time and ask why you didn't stop the manipulation earlier.

And, BTW, why doesn't he go to live with one of his adult children?
It's your life, enjoy it, w/o him since he's apparently not contributing anything positive.

And, I'm assume you're aware that someone that unclean may already have something of one sort or another that affects his health, and someday he might leave bugs, bacteria or something else in your home.
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"OH George. I am sorry, next week is not good for me. Call me next month, perhaps I can pencil you in. Hey, do you want to meet at a spa, George? We can have separate sessions.. The back massages are wonderful.. You may want to get a foot and leg message along with it." Maybe we can have lunch afterwards.This place I am thinking of, is very popular, so we should try to make one next month, and plan a day." After lunch you go to your place, and he returns to his home. Bring a bathing suit Goerge as their are steam rooms, and saunas you may be able to enjoy....
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JoAnn29 Oct 2019
I know ur just joking but I believe honesty is best. "I can't stand your smell and your filthy manners anymore. So ur not welcome in my home anymore"
Do be so open for him to come over. If you do, hand him a bucket of water with a sponge and tell him it time to wash the car. or the driveway. Give him something to do.
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WEll dear, since you are coming over here like that, I suppose you want to start iin the Garage or the Garden?choose one. We will put the timer on for an hour. Depending what's finished will depend what we will figure out what to eat for lunch. Oh next bring fresh clothes to change into, so we can rent a move after you help me with the garage. While we are watching the movie, I can throw your clothes in wash, for ya. At least you will go home feeling better that you did, I betchya.
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I have a nephew who has bad hygene. He also has neurological problems that may contribute to it. I have found since he is now living near me, you have to be BLUNT. They don't seem to read between the lines. We all tell my nephew (who is 29 with the maturity of a 19 yr old) that we will not allow him in our houses or cars if he doesn't bathe first. I haven't been in his apt since last Christmas but my DH says it needs a good cleaning. I can't take the smell. It makes me feel sick.

So, you need to say "No more visits if your are not cleaned up" Like said, ur Xs for a reason. U can also relinquish your POA. All that POA means is you can carry out his wishes when he no longer can. This means you will be able to pay bills and place him in an AL or LTC when he can no longer care for himself. It does not mean you physically need to care for him. It does not mean u need to be nice to him or take his abuse. You owe this person nothing. Are the children yours too or just his. If they r his, maybe its time to tell him he needs to ask one of them to be POA and revolk yours. If no one wants it, APS can be called in to investigate his situation if someone thinks he can no longer care for himself. The state can become his guardian. Then they make the decisions. He has made his bed, he will then have to lay in it.

Has he always been like this? My Ex always looked presentable. He kept his hair short and his beard trimmed. His cars were his babies. Clean inside and out. He was an organizer and kept his space clean. Until he retired. He died just before his 70th birthday from heart failure, Since he died alone in his home an autopsy was performed. Since my name was given as the person who knew how to contact his sister, the Coroner called me. The condition of my ex was so bad, the man thought he was homeless. When I told him who he had worked for, he was shocked. His/my daughter went to his house with her Aunt and said the smell was awful, beer cans up the walls...she felt he must have had a mental break. She never returned. This is a man who had a nice home and I think wife and daughter. Who missed out so much with a daughter who grew up to be a fun loving compassionate person. His priorities were so messed up but...this is how he wanted to live. He should have never married.

So, if you no longer want this man in ur life, find out how to revolk the POA, stop the visits and take ur life back. I have a friend who is probably killing herself caring for a man who probably doesn't even appreciate what she is doing for him.
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BettyMG Oct 2019
Joanne, that's strange because your x sounds just like mine. My x was a clean freek, everything had to be spotless. Nothing was every clean ENOUGH. He's not like the hoarder you see on TV. No mice, roaches, no pets, etc. Example I gave him a toaster I wasn't using, he kept the old non working one, my dryer went out so I replaced the set. He took my washing machine 2 years ago, not even plugged up. Took drapes, a under the sink water softener I wasn't using, just setting in a bedroom. In he living room floor is a weed eater, a blower various tools, mazazines stacked, empty chip bag, lots of empty cans from coffee and peanuts. an old in cabinet tv that's full of stuff. One bedroom dresser holds old Christmas decorations he got from a dead relative. He yard is spotless.
Thank you all for your kind works which make a lot of sense. But there is more to this story. First off, 2 children we had together. Second the man could not live with anyone. Daughter is bipolar and if my son had to live with him one of them would be dead. As far as me giving up POA there is lot of money involved. My son and I live in a house that's in a trust in which im the succesor trustee when he dies. Now I'm expecting someone to tell me I'm being bought. Guess I am because the man gives a hunk of money on occasion. The crap I put up with for nearly 20 years I fell like I deserve it because I didn't get any of his retirement and I live on social security. If this makes me a bad person so be it. I know the house and the money is his way of control. Luckily he doesn't come here but ever few months. And he doesn't do the verbal abuse anymore. What's strange is when we were married he was a clean freak and ocd one of the reasons I divorced him when he was around 60 that's when the hoarding started. My sister told me once she was never comfortable in my house when married to him because he whipped down things her kids touched. Before he had the stroke I told him 3 days was all I could handle him visiting. Ims going to have to stop feeling like sorry for him and tell him again.
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