
in janary 12 I had a heart attack
my wife did not take me 5 mile to the hospital
my wife has me in a room for 4 ays
she was on the phone to my life in.
is that right of my wife to not take me to the hospital when I has me heart attack ?

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Nigleevans get a divorce, get her and her daughter and son out of your life, switch the beneficiary on your life insurance to someone else and get away from her. Look into assisted living where they can help you and prepay for your funeral with your life insurance. Get away from people that want to harm or at the very least do not want to help you. Find people that want to be around you that like you and want to help you. You deserve that in your life.
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Heart attacks always mean 911. You don't want to go through triage if you're having a heart attack. An ambulance will help you bypass all of that. Have you been to the doctor since then, nigle? Heart attacks are usually not caused by nothing, so you need to get it seen to. Let us know how it goes.
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Hi. I am sorry you did not get the help you needed right away. If you do not feel safe you should call Adult Protection Services ( APS) in your state. They will help you find help. If you feel you are in danger right now call 911.
Do you have any adult children of your own or siblings that can help you?
Do not worry about misspelling words. We understand. All of us on here are caring for or have cared for a loved one who has health issues. Many of the people we care for have trouble typing, reading, talking and more.

I hope you are getting the help you need now from doctors.
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All I see are red flags!
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nigleevans is obviously a bogus poster, delete him
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Sounds interesting.....I believe charges
Could be filed.
All this over 20,000 dollars....that doesn't
Go far today

I think you need to talk to someone local.
Do you have a clergy...or doctor.
I don't know if you are old enough
for senior services.
I am not going to play easy chair coach
and say end a marriage, I don't
Know the whole story, but I believe
You need someone local to help
You work though this.

You will be in our prayers
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After breaking my hip bone in a fall and subsequent surgery, where the bone was repaired with screws and plates, I had to make my way home on my own just 3 days after the surgery, my wife would not collect me even though the hospital was over 50 miles from home. I could barely manage to hobble about on the crutches I had been given the previous day, let alone walk! After being home for a short time, there was an occasion where I found myself in considerable pain, as I had a few stumbles and falls while getting around the house on my own, my wife would not take any time out from work to keep an eye on me or to help me, an ambulance was called and the medics decided to take me to hospital to check me out with x-ray. My wife would not accompany me to the hospital, her reason she gave was ''If it turns out to be something serious, then I will be there all night and I don't want to be tired tomorrow as I am picking up Tom tomorrow''. Tom is her son, 19 years old and at university. The university is very near to where I was in hospital, my wife was not happy to drive up the same motorway to collect me from hospital, but was quite happy, a few days later to take that same route to pick up her able bodied son! Think I am being taken for a fool.
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6027david, if you put up with this you are a fool.
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Agreed to all of the above. Do you have other family to help you?
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My son and blood family live quite some way from me. It is now 4 months since the accident and am doing well. I am back to some gentle work. I appreciate all your support as it seems the decision I have made is the right one. 4 weeks ago I took on a small flat very close to work (it saves me a long journey from where I lived with my wife and saves enough money in petrol I did spend, to make it no more expensive). I have been going back at weekends to my wife, but now feel the time is right to cut ties altogether. I have other medical issues, heart attack a few years ago and have recently been diagnosed with issues with my C1 to C4 vertebrae. In the up coming years I know I need someone I can count on when I need them. The experience with the hip has proved that I can not rely on my wife for that. The sadness is that I was finding all sorts of excuses for her and in complete denial of what I think is neglect. Thank you to all that responded to my post.
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